From 1 July 2017 all cables used for construction works (e.g. buildings, roads, and bridges) in the EU must be clearly CE marked.
Only cables with CE mark are allowed into the EU market. This is further specified in the CPR – the Construction Products Regulation (EU 305/2011).
Why should cables be CE marked?
Because electrical cables (incl. data cables and fiber cables) are permanently installed in construction works they are classified as fixed installations. Furthermore, these cables are important for the safety in case of fire and must therefore live up to the specified fire resistance requirements, which are detailed in the standard EN 50575:2014.
What should I do?
If you are a cable manufacturer, you must:- Decide which fire classification your cables should match (classes are from A to F, and have specific test methods)
- Establish and maintain a AVCP (Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance)
- Ensure you cables are fire tested by a Notified Testing Laboratory (e.g. DELTA)
- Establish and maintain a FPC (Factory Production Control)
- Fill in a DoP (Declaration of Performance) for reactance to fire and release of dangerous substances for your cable
- Ensure your cables are labelled and carry a visible CE mark
Note that it is the manufacturer’s responsibility that all necessary steps have been completed before affixing the CE mark.

For more information